My Rainbow Dreams

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hindrance to Victory

    At various peaks in our lives,we become the sufferer of these so called challenges.
Those tests which bring us closer to become tough on facing the presence of raw hatred,
failures and even all the flaws.Will the voice of the winner be heard?can you visualize a victory 
without failing?
    There's no sense in trying if  you will never commit an error.This leads you to become
wiser in making decision.We will not all be acquainted with the essence of success without 
even experiencing the wish of the failing one.It's eventually the key in holding on to your reveries
and made this all possible.We can never assure where the wind will stop blowing.We can never 
blame circumstances if we let it take place entirely.Let those errors be our guide and make all
the scenarios nearer to perfection.
    Life is never about how we are the victor or be beaten in a fight.It's about how we intend to 
be the strongest along with the thing we have learned about all the way.If the traffic is already 
at the hand,we should not run-off from it,instead we should take all of this,cause we are only 
victim of these particular cases.Just brawl until the scene gets tired of it.Just try if you have 
still all the guts.Don't just surrender and be proud of all the breakdown you have encountered.
But in your mind,the test is not about losing in the battle but how we stand while celebrating
the victory of winning the fight...


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