My Rainbow Dreams

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Technology;Does it transform our lives?

     Technology changes the way we live today,it somehow gives
 credit to us for making our lives as easy as 1-2-3.But have
 we ever tried to find out how it will affect our society or even
to ourselves?Will it be the key to a progressing creature?or it
 may get hold even worst as technology dig up better?
    We can't deny the fact of getting involved with these gadgets
made by our technology in this day and age.Even the young one's
can never escape from the evolution of high technology.Examples
of this are cellular phone and computer.Let's just say that these
are one of the top things that we human being acclaims that really
help us to communicate effortlessly.way back the old living,we 
can also converse to others from a far with the use of telegram but
this will take time unlike the use of cellphones nowadays;As fast the
 blink of an eye you can transmit your message with this invented high
    One thing about this technology it is also involves entertainment.All 
of us now using internet;this is also one of the reason why people can
 access information easily with its help.Why go to library when you 
can find the gist on the internet?But aside from this effortless,library 
will always be our tradition.Social networking like facebook and friendster
are one of the most common entertainment to our web today.These are
 just example of technologies effects and its outgrowth.
    Transformation will constantly emerge.Even if we don't bother,it's just
 like what technonlogy made our lives as trouble-free.let's just go with the
stream of it express us,the only key is not to  take ourselves easily without
 knowing the ground us changes be relevant in our surroundings.Don't just
 apply changes,recognize it.Don't just stick to it,but know the motivation behind.


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