Dengue is one of the water borne diseases that provides scientific evidence that global warming is changing the seasonal patterns of infectious disease,according to scientists.this is because the virus itself and mosquitoes that carry the virus are known to be sensitive ti climate changes.In the past decades ,peaks were observed only during the wet season,female mosquitoes which lay their eggs in dirty open containers can survive and transmit virus to human.
There are two kinds of mosquitoes,Stegomyia Aegypti and Stegomyia Albopictus(formerly known as Aedes)carry the four stains of dengue virus called sterotypes.Below are the symtoms and signs of dengue;
- Rapidly increasing fever
- Nausea and vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Faint Rash
- Deep muscles Aches
- Joint Pains and pains behind the eyes
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