As she stares outside the window and see the world below her.she realized that she is not afraid anymore;she realize that this independence has prepared her to go out there and conquer the world.She learned to take risk,to makes mistakes,to plunge head first into the unknown,and fly despite her luck of wings.As she looked back on how the past three years have been,all she can say is that she found everything about them,the best,the worst,and everything else in between.
"Now I am a fourth year student,this is the last step of my four-year course and I am very happy nga may mga teachers parehas sila nga always guid ga intindi sa akon kag sa ila ko nabal an how to deal with different students".
Life is not a joke to be laughed at,yat,not to be wept.If you think you cannot bear it any longer,hope and never stop hoping.Everyhting will be okey in th end.If it is not okay then,perhaps it is not the end....
see me!: what does christmas mean to you?
13 years ago
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