My Rainbow Dreams

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mr. Right

 Before my life was colorless and pale
 No romantic moment as in a fairy tale
 All i have is an empty heart that hope and pray
 that Mr right come along my way

 The moment that I'm waiting for came
 I met a guy who's so quiet and ashamed
He talked a little and smiles often
 But he makes my heart beats fast every now and then

 From then on,I asked a signed from God
 If he's really the one or not
 The signed happened and surprise is all I've got

 Everyday,I'm secretly glancing at him
 Who wants to achieve her aim?
And that is to recognize me as friend
And even a best friend till the end 

As time goes by,my admiration grew stronger
 Every time he stares  at me, my heart beat faster
 His beauty is rare to find
 Plus the face that he's cool and kind

 Yet,i know he will remain as a dream
 He will never like me as what I am
 For I know,there's many of there that hope and pray
 Like me, who wants to own his heart someday. 


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